Winter Blues Banisher

(2 customer reviews)


Introducing our holiday blend – “Winter Blues Banisher”. This enchanting blend of pine needles from our family’s 2022 Christmas Tree and orange peels has been carefully crafted with intention to help banish the winter blues and bring a sense of joy and warmth to your space.

Whether you are feeling down during the winter months or simply looking to infuse your space with a sense of holiday cheer, our “Winter Blues Banisher” blend is the perfect tool to help you harness the power of nature and promote feelings of joy and warmth in your life.

Treat yourself or someone special to this delightful holiday blend and bring a sense of holiday cheer to your space this season.

Availability: 15 in stock

The main ingredients in this blend include:

  1. Pine needles: Known for their fresh and invigorating scent, pine needles are often associated with the holiday season. They are believed to promote feelings of joy and bring a sense of clarity and focus to the mind. These pine needles come from our well loved and celebrated 2022 Christmas Tree.
  2. Orange peel: The sweet and citrusy aroma of orange peel is known for its ability to promote feelings of happiness and uplift the spirit. It is often used to promote relaxation and relieve stress and anxiety.

Together, these ingredients create a powerful and aromatic blend that can help to promote a sense of joy and warmth during the winter months.

Size: 1/2 cup

Ways to Enjoy:

  • Add herbs to a simmer pot to scent the air.
  • Add winter blues banish wash to a salt bath.
  • Create a winter blues banish wash: Simmer herbs in water then strain herbs. This wash can be used around the home, office, or anywhere you want to refresh the energy. Use within 7 days.
  • Sprinkle a small amount of this blend onto a hot surface or add it to a diffuser to release its enchanting properties into your space.

Recommendations for Storage:

Keep your herbs stored in a cool, dark place, preferably in a jar. This can be on a shelf or in a pantry as long as it isn’t exposed to direct heat or sunlight.

2 reviews for Winter Blues Banisher

  1. Christine

    I used this in late January to raise the vibration when the holidays were over but the winter wasn’t.

  2. Paul S

    I really liked the way this smelled and the fact that the needles were from a Christmas Tree was a nice touch.

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Winter Blues Banisher

Availability: 15 in stock

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